Golden Lion Grrrages
1957 Chrysler 300C
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In the little town I live in, one of the major employers is the prison. But it isn't called a "prison", it is a "correctional facility". The people that work there are "correction officers" and they work for the "Department of Corrections". As I get into this car I can see this is not going to be a restoration as much as it is going to be a series of "corrections".

The Department of Corrections

The red centers on the wheel covers had been repainted. The job will have to be done again.
The air housing didn't clear the valve cover.
Someone fixed that problem. What a shame.
"Goosenecks" are rare (used only in 1957.)
We can't fix this.
I will have to get another.
This air filter housing is held on by a Phillips screw.
A wing nut is the proper fastener.
The carb to carb line should be a one piece hose.
MoPar Pro has them (FU-1030). The rear carb
fuel line fitting should be a 90 degree brass.
The stove pipe line from the exhaust manifold should be connected to the rear carb choke,
not to the fuel line.
The rubber gasket from the heater housing
to the blower motor should sized so it fits the junction
or secured with RTV. It should not have a hose clamp.
The AC compressor is missing two braces.
This is what it should have.

Three power window switches have this 1960 style.
We will find correct switches.
These are not correct throttle return springs.
Correct springs are available from A&A
Transmissions among other places.
The front carb is missing the air horn gasket.
These are the correct size springs but
did you notice the carb to carb link?
It is backwards
This is the correct link position. You run
off the rear carb until the slot bottoms out.
The heater distribution box is missing.
This is what it looks like.
The belts and pulleys are wrong.
There should be a two groove pulley on the generator.
The power steering pump is being fed by only one belt.
Two grooves on the crank pulley are not being used.
This is the wiring under the dash.
New wiring harnesses are on order from
Rhode Island Wiring and YnZ.
The windshield washer bag "Jiffy Jet"
is located in the wrong place and
is the wrong style. Here is correct:

This is a picture of the gooseneck support
on the passenger side. It is missing along
with the support for the driver side.
It is unusual to find a grab handle here.
A bigger problem is the hole in the
glove box door hidden by the lower left badge.
The rear package shelf was damaged
beyond repair when the trunk AC unit was installed.
The 300 badge over the rear seat is wrong.
The passenger wiper arm does not move. The arms had walked off the drive shaft. See the nut? "They" put a 1/4-20 on a shaft threaded to 1/4-28.
"They" also left off the driver side retaining clip.
This "dum dum" is a flexible, gummy, sticky material often used as weather seal. This is one of 3 clumps I removed. "They" used it to secure the trunk cardboard (ruined that), and used it to bind wires under the dash. If you don't remove every trace of it, it gets on your hands, tools and clothes. It won't come off with anything less than brake-clean. If you want to punish the next guy that works on your car, use this stuff.
There are two dome light lenses on these cars. Originals are too brittle to work with. New replacements are on Ebay for $50/each.
Chasing cut wires under the dash, I came across a bundle under the passenger side carpet. I pulled the carpet to find the foot well filled with expandable foam. I chipped it out to find nice solid floors. The wire bundle was for the trunk air conditioner but had already been cut.
To remove the power seat motor, I disconnect the feed at the kick panel and pull the wire under the carpet. This wire wouldn't move. Raising the carpet revealed another dose of spray foam on the driver side which prevented the wire from moving. There were nice solid floors under the foam.

How are these pictures different?
The black car does not have the vacuum tank
for the brake booster system.
The horn was blowing when it shouldn't. The Nylon bushings are missing. They reassembled with washers under the screws instead of bushings. $14.95 fixed the problem.
More problems with the wiper motor. A close look shows the wires have been damaged. I have spares but they are newer and might not interchange. Wiper motors can be repaired if need be.
More dum dum. This time under the AC
vent on the package shelf.
"They" did spray painting inside the car
without removing the rear seats.
Lexol saved the seats.
Cranking the engine, fuel poured out of the front carb sediment bowl. The cork gasket was not installed on center. One side made no contact with the glass bowl.
This is the alignment for the driver window.
The passenger side is just as bad.
They have the wrong screw on the vacuum advance.
This one won't bite and won't go tight.
Oh no, more dum dum. This time on the dome light.
On this side and the back side.
Extra bolts on the cylinder head.
More creative wiring. This wire turned out to be for the engine coolant sensor. That sensor is on top of the engine.

To page 3
