Golden Lion Grrrages

1965 Chrysler 300L

This 300L is Don Warnaar's car. He bought it new in 1965 and kept it until his passing in 2023. Within the Chrysler 300 Club International, Don and his L were the gold standard for the 1965 model year. Don was the club consultant for the 300L with a large collection of reference material. This car received 941 points during club judging in 1977 and received the Chrysler Cup award, now called the Cunningham Cup.

He drove the car to 22 meets; the first one was Irwin, PA in May of 1972. The last one was Lehigh Valley, PA in May of 2004. I know that because Don wrote it down. He kept meticulous records on this car and every car he owned. For instance, to the right is the first title to the car, dated May 25, 1965. And to the left is the stub from his check book when he bought the car.

Here is a story Don wrote about buying the car and its early years.
Here is a story of Don celebrating 45 years of ownership.
Here is "The Last Of The Brutes" by Don.

300L and Don Warnaar, May 25, 2015. The car is 50 years old.

Here are some pictures Don took over the years. The L had some unique features. It was the only Letter Car to have headlights behind glass and the only Letter Car to have a running light in the grille. Some states did not allow it; you can read about that here. It was the only Letter Car to have an orange accent painted on the trim molding. It was the only Letter Car to come with either 2 tail lights or 4 tail lights; Chrysler went to double bulb tail lights for 1965 Chryslers built at Jefferson after VIN# 162990. Don's car is equipped with AC, emergency flashers, power windows, front and rear seat belts, tinted glass, AM/FM radio with rear speaker, heavy duty suspension and brakes. Click here for more on the data tag and decode.

Coldwater, MI 1994 and the first time I met Don Warnaar.

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