Golden Lion Grrrages

1965 Chrysler 300L
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Here are some early meet plaques I found in Don's material

Here are some very early club membership cards

Here is the original sales order from the dealership

Here is the original invoice from the dealership

A letter from Chrysler Historical Division

These pictures are from the 1977 meet held in Chelsea, MI.
Chrysler opened the proving grounds test track to the club.

I came across this carton from Chrysler. Postmarked July 10, 1965, and addressed to Don, inside was the factory service manual. This was back in the days when you could write Chrysler and purchase things such as manuals. Still in the original shipping carton, this manual is in perfect shape.

Don's car did very well in concour judging. Here are the reports from 1973 (94 out of 100)
1975 (961 out of 1000), 1977 spring (917 out of 1000) and 1977 fall (941 out of 1000) .

Don Warnaar with the Chrysler Cup at the Fall Meet in Ann Arbor, MI, October, 1977. This was the first time the Chrysler Cup was awarded.

The Chrysler Cup is presented to the owner of a Letter Car that scores over 900 points in Concours.

The Cup is a perpetual award. The winner has their information recorded on the Cup and then it is returned to the club for presentation to the next winner. The Cup, now know as the Chrysler-Cunningham Cup is still in use today.

Don was the first to receive the Chrysler Cup. It was shipped from Chrysler to Don.
He kept the shipping papers and the crate is came in.
The crate may still be around - - I haven't found it yet.

This picture is of Don, the L, and the Chrysler cup at his house in NJ.
In his hand, Don holds the medal that was also awarded.
Don won the cup twice. We still have the medals.

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